- Mulch, soil, compost, screened loam & more!
We have a wide assortment of mulch, soils, compost, and gravel available in bulk at our Hopkinton, Chelmsford and Lincoln Garden Centers, available for pick-up or delivery. Order online today! To get started, choose your nearest location below.
Hopkinton By The Yard
125 East Main Hopkinton, MA 01748
Closed For The Season Except By Appointment
Click below to view our availability, pricing, and more!
Chelmsford By The Yard
160 Pine Hill Road Chelmsford, MA 01824
Daily 9am to 5pm
Click below to view our availability, pricing, and more!
Lincoln By The Yard
339 South Great Road
(Rt 117)
Lincoln, MA 01773
Closed Mondays thru 2/9
Tues – Sun 10am to 5pm
Come in to ask for availability or give us a call!
Cubic Yard Calculator
- By The Yard product Selection
If you are ordering multiple types of products, please place a separate order for each type of product. We cannot mix product on the delivery truck. A delivery fee will be charged for each order.
Our hardwood is fully seasoned for at least six months and comes from Maine. Great for backyard firepits, wood stoves, and even indoor fireplaces. Firewood has been cut into 16″ pieces and is fully seasoned and ready to burn.
Premium Hemlock Blend Mulch
A Pine and Spruce blend accented with Hemlock, color enhanced to maintain a red color all year long.
Weston Premium Leaf Mulch
Aged, double ground leaves. Simple and effective. Dark brown/natural.
Weston Premium Dark Pine Mulch
A blend of Pine and Spruce barks with aged branches, double ground. Dark brown/natural.
Weston's "eco" Blend
A blend of soft wood and aged Fall leaves. Natural medium brown.
weston's black FOREST
A mixture of aged softwood bark and softwood grindings tinted with black environmentally safe colorant.
Weston's Screened Loam
Loam screened through 1/2″ screen, not recommended for top-dressing lawns.
Weston's Best Compost
- certified for use in organic gardening & food production
Weed-Seed Free compost made from leaves and grass. Average amounts of Nitrogen, High in P, K, Ca, Mg. Recommended rate to use as 25-40% when improving soils.
Weston's Garden Mix
A blend of Weston’s Best (Organic) Compost and Weston Screened Loam. Perfect for any garden bed.
Weston base pack (Dense Grade Paver Base)
Mix of sand and stone that compacts. Ideal base material for paver projects.
3/4" Crushed Stone
Uniform screened stone perfect for most drainage projects and masonry work.
Concrete Sand
Mix of fine and coarser size and particles. Perfect for top layer under pavers.
Wood Chips
Forest grade, 1″ average size with some larger sticks mixed in.
Weston Nurseries has partnered with Less Mess Enviro bags! Rather than have your soil delivery shipment dumped on your front lawn or driveway, leaving a mess that you have to clean up, Less Mess is delivered in pre-packaged resealable bags that let you use just the amount of soil, compost, stone, or mulch that you need and set the rest aside for future use.