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Please note that our Garden Centers will be open from 9am to 2pm on New Year’s Eve, December 31st and closed on New Year’s Day. Happy New Year to all!

Hardiness Zone Map

USDA Hardiness Zone Map- Updated 2023

The USDA has recently released an updated Hardiness Zone Map. You may find that the zone for your area has changed. The hardiness zones for plants listed in our library and in our catalog, however, remain the same.

Please visit http://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/PHZMWeb/ to find additional maps and to search by zip code. (Official USDA Resource)

National Zone Map

Hover over the Zone numbers below to see growing zone by state.

Zone 3
Zone 4
Zone 5
Zone 6

Zone ratings serve as a general guide for selecting a plant suitable for your area and indicate the minimum temperature we believe the variety will tolerate. Wind exposure, high temperature extremes, rapid temperature fluctuations, first and last frost dates, sun intensity, salt spray, soil drainage, and other factors also combine to determine your location’s “micro-climate”. 

Even though low temperature tolerance is generally accepted as the prime determinant of performance, these other factors must be taken into account in choosing the appropriate plant for your needs. We estimate each variety’s winter hardiness based upon our experience in this region. For each edition of our catalog we update some of our ratings in response to performance trials results from people in other areas. 

We welcome your comments and suggestions.

Online Shopping at Weston Nurseries

We are excited to offer two unique opportunities to shop online at Weston Nurseries.

Farm To Door™

WN Online Shopping icons_Ship to Door
Plants shipped directly to you!

Browse our online inventory for a huge selection of plants available to ship directly from the farm to your home! Anywhere in the Continental US except states where prohibited by law!*

Shop Our Garden Centers

WN Online Shopping icons-02
Great for large plants and larger orders!

Shop your local store for plants, garden supplies, soil, mulch and more. Then pick up your order at the garden center or arrange for local drop off!

If you are interested in ordering gift cards, please click here!
*Some restrictions may apply to certain states.


Memorial Day Weekend Flash Sale On Hydrangeas!

25% off all Hydrangeas this weekend only!

Saturday, May 25th – Monday, May 27th! 

Hydrangeas are a classic and beautiful sign of summer. Celebrate Memorial Day Weekend by sprucing up your yard with some new hydrangeas. Discount applies at all locations.

*Sale Fine Print:

For “Cash and Carry” transactions only. Offer good while supplies last.

No open orders or deliveries for future dates. All Flash Sale products must be taken the same day. Not valid on previous orders. No transfers allowed between stores on any sale items.

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